biografíaDemi is an elegant young Amsterdam escort who has recently joined our team. She still has got that touch of innocence in her, but her body forces you to think naughty of her. She has got long legs and a perfectly shaped round butt to feel.
CaracterísticasColor de pelo:RubioNivel de experiencia:IntermedioOjos:AzulAltura:164 cmPeso:51 kgorientación sexual:HeterosexualFumador:Notipo de mama:NaturalTamaño de los senos:BVello púbico:Otro
TarifasPrecios por periodos de tiempo determinados.1profile.form.fields.rates.fields.durationUnit.options.hour160€2profile.form.fields.rates.fields.durationUnit.options.hour320€3profile.form.fields.rates.fields.durationUnit.options.hour450€